Category: Baby

Timing is everything!

Timing is everything!

Find out how long your baby should be sleeping for by following this easy sleep time reference guide. Here are some wake time formulas to help guide you… 0 to 1 month Wake time = Duration of the last sleep time, up to 40 minutes max. Newborns are usually awake for the length of time...

Tips for the sleep deprived mums – Practical Parenting

Tips for the sleep deprived mums – Practical Parenting

Do you feel exhausted from waking up throughout the night, just to replace your little one’s dummy? Is your child unable to self-settle and needs your assistance and comfort? Do you allow your child to sleep in your bed? This may sound familiar to you, however, being a mother is a good enough reason for...

Can Flexibility Be a Bad Thing

Can Flexibility Be a Bad Thing

One of the key elements in ensuring a happy, healthy sleep routine for you and your baby/toddler is a little flexibility (we all know how life can throw a spanner in the works after all!)  – but could too much flexibility be a bad thing? Babies and toddlers thrive on sleep routine, it offers them...

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