A word from Cheryl

Home / A word from Cheryl
I recommend calling Cheryl before you get stuck!

I recommend calling Cheryl before you get stuck!

Edwina recommends Cheryl: At around 11months our (previously great sleeper) little guy started waking from 12-4 am screaming and we were playing the bed swapping game and generally going insane. Within five nights of using Cheryl’s gentle program, he was going to sleep on his own and thankfully back to his 12 hour sleep at night. We put him to...

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How to prepare your child for the end of daylight saving (and save your sleep)

How to prepare your child for the end of daylight saving (and save your sleep)

Get ready to turn the clock back on April 5th for the end of daylight saving. Cooler weather means better sleep. Both adults and children tend to sleep better and more deeply in cooler temperatures. Even if it varies from person to person, a good temperature to aim for is 20°C. So make sure you don’t compensate for the cooler weather by...

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Cheryl saved me!

Cheryl saved me!

Before getting in touch bub was waking 2 – 5 times a night. After returning to work it became unmanageable. I liked the idea of a gentle approach, without any ‘crying it out’. I so wish I had found her sooner. Within a week he was sleeping through and within 2 weeks i could put him in his cot and...

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